Un nomdufichier.ini est d'une grande importance, un fichier de configuration englobant plusieurs paramètres concernant un logiciel ou un système il peut-être associé à un fichier.cfg de configuration lui aussi sans oublier avec .ini des paranthèses pour les titres.
Exemple de fichier .ini
[ Chess Engine Fire 3.0 ]
name=Fire 3.0.exe
pawn hash=32
ponder= ON
[ Extras ]
max threads=1
Plus le fichier .ini sera correctement et abondamment documenté mieux le programme fonctionnera !.
Exemple d'un Fichier.cfg pour un autre "Chess Engine". Les commentaires sont précédés d'un point virgule.
Hash Size= 64
PHash Size= 8
Keep Hash Tables= 1
TB Cache= 8
TB Path= C:\TBs
Contempt Value= 1
Draw= 40 3
Resign Value= -30000 3
Book Mode= Tournament
Noise= 4
Show Current Move= 1
Log File= 0
; Hash Size: It must be a power of 2 (i.e. 4, 8, 16, etc.) and it can take values
; from 1 to 512. If the value entered is not power of 2 (i.e. 96) the engine will
; use the nearest lower number that is power of 2 (i.e. 64).
; Draw: X Y means that Cerebro will accept draw after the
; move X if previously got its conptempt value for Y moves in a row.
; Resign Value: X Y means that Cerebro will resign after its
; score is lower than X (in centipawns) for Y moves in a row.
; However, Cerebro will not resign if finds that its opponent has
; "troubles" with time.
; Book Mode: it can be "Tournament" or "Normal"
; Noise: it can take values from 2 to 6
; Show Current Move: Only available in winboard mode, it can takes
; values "1" (true) or "0" (false). This feature must be disable if the engine will
; be executed under Chessmaster GUI.
; Log File: If 1, Cerebro will create a .htm file as log file for each game played
; Log files will be overwritten after a whole day.
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